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Gerard Peters

Gerard Peters - Expertly Managed Cryptocurrency

May 26 2021 , Written by Gerard Peters Published on #Gerard Peters, #Quantifai Technologies

Determination, responsibility, attitude, perseverance, patience, hard work, and integrity are the major qualities that make a successful investor. Gerard Peters is no stranger to such qualities and possesses these characteristics. A Microsoft certified engineer, Peters is the founder and CEO of Quantifai Technologies.

Gerard Peters
Gerard Peters

Quantitative trading a boon for hedge fund managers

A pioneer in the rapidly changing digital Gerard has revolutionized digital trading. He has created technological quantitative trading strategies that take away the risk from the markets.

He has identified that the key to the future of perpetuity and consistency in the market is through prudent quantitative strategy employment.

Gerard’s investment management systems focus on maximizing risk-free ROI while reducing downside risk exposure.

Gerard Peters has structured many investment products and personally managed wealth in private banks for over 6 years.

Early in his career, Gerard has helped many large developers and investors structure unconventional financing solutions for their projects, solutions where all parties benefit from the outcome. He is committed to ensuring all outcomes of his business dealings result in a win-win situation for all parties involved. This is done via a personalized joint venture structure. 

Gerard’s team handled the entire management of the project from planning, resource, and building consenting, right through to the last code of compliance.  He assists with his large network of off-shore, cash ready buyers for projects ranging from $5M to $50M

Investment opportunities in cryptocurrency

Currently, Gerard has placed a strong focus on Cryptocurrency. He is a firm believer digital currency will provide considerably more profit opportunities in comparison to any other investment.

Peters has successfully developed the perfect answer to the perfect storm in the current cryptocurrency mania – by taking the risk out of the markets. 

With this forecasted continuous growth surge and institutional popularity in the upcoming years, Gerard has positioned himself to be at the forefront of the Cryptocurrency trading market and is committed to providing leading-edge managed trading solutions to the institutional market which consistently perform above the conventional benchmarks.

Gerard has successfully managed to develop a simple, non-intrusive way for clients to adopt his leading-edge trading systems.

Unlike conventional hedge funds, Gerard maintains his operations as a fintech company.

He does not intake client capital.

He deploys his algorithm directly onto his client’s accounts via a separately managed account structure.

This investment structure will give unprecedented advantages to his clients viz-a-viz

1. Clients do not lose any custody of their funds: All the funds remain in the client’s name and in their respective trading accounts. 

2. Full transparency: All trading activity is live tracked and can be viewed anytime in the client’s trading account.

3. Win-Win scenario: Gerard structures his fees as a share of profit gained only, providing full confidence in clients of his aligned interest in ensuring client accounts perform. 

This non-intrusive approach will empower major family offices, hedge funds, fund of funds, and majorly all accredited sophisticated investors to adopt and utilize this technology without any risk of misappropriation or deviation from strategy.

It will also allow for mass participation as it does not impede on possible covenants in each fund’s mandates which may prevent them from allocating.

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